발행 : 세계장애인다트연맹 World Disability Darts Federation 

번역 및 검수 : 김명우 경기운영위원회

World Disability Darts Association


Eligibility and Event Classification


Whilst the WDDA acknowledges the significance of all impairments, not all qualify for inclusion in WDDA Ranked / Titled events. The WDDA slogan “Paralitas Quod Equitas” means “Fairness and Equality” and although we understand there will be some who question the eligibility of themselves or others for inclusion in WDDA events we ask that appreciation be given to the complex nature of disability. The WDDA provide opportunities for many who previously, due to the nature of physical limitation, have found inclusion into the mainstream darts infrastructure difficult.


The WDDA, having gained recognition from the World Darts Federation for the lowered board height for wheelchair players as being fair and equivalent, have no desire to entice players who are readily accepted within mainstream darts into separate disability events.


WDDA Ranked/Titled events do not have classifications at this time for impairment caused by, but not limited to, depression, loss of vision, mental or temporary illness. As you read through the criteria you will see it essentially includes those with physical or medical conditions that limit opportunities for inclusion within mainstream darts events.


We understand that any impairment affects a person’s ability to function in some way, but they may still be able to experience competitive darts on an equal basis without the need for special events. Wherever WDDA were to draw the line there will always be those not quite meeting WDDA qualification, and therefore find themselves on the wrong side of the assessment criteria for inclusion. Unfortunately this will always be the case, and as much as WDDA would like to, we can’t logistically and fairly encompass all impairments.


Self-assessment should be the first port-of-call for anyone looking at entering a WDDA Ranked/Titled event. We of course will be happy to communicate with you for clarification, but our rules cannot be broken to accommodate individuals who fall outside the criteria, no matter how close to inclusion they might be. We have many requests as can be imagined and objective self-assessment is the most beneficial for all concerned.




The Process of Assessment:


For those who feel they meet the criteria of one of the Divisions explained below, a WDDA Medical Assessment Form is required to be completed by a medical professional at the player’s own expense for submission to WDDA or its Event Representative prior to your inclusion in any WDDA Ranked or Titled event.


For those who successfully complete this process, entry into the relevant event classification will be permitted in accordance with the World Disability Darts Ranked/Titled Event Rules document.


The WDDA Ranked and Titled Event accepted impairments:


Players that have been clinically diagnosed with at least one of the following impairment types are deemed eligible to compete:


Impaired muscle power - Reduced force generated by muscle or muscle groups, may occur in one limb or lower half of the body, as caused, for example, by spinal cord injuries, Spina Bifida or Poliomyelitis.

[근력장애] - 근력의 저하(motor power level check). 

척수손상(spinal code injury), 이분척추(spina bifida), 소아마비(Poliomyelitis) 등에 의한 신체의 사지 중 하나 또는 하반신의 근력 저하.


Athetosis - Generally characterised by unbalanced, uncontrolled movements and a difficulty in maintaining a symmetrical posture, due to cerebral palsy, brain injury, multiple sclerosis or other conditions.

[느린비틀림운동, 무정위운동형, 아테토시스] 

뇌성마비(cerebral palsy), 뇌손상(brain injury), 다발성 경화증(multiple sclerosis) 또는 기타 원인에 의해, 불균형적이고 움직임이 제어되지 않으며 자세 유지에 어려움이 있는 상태.


Impaired passive range of movement - Range of movement in one or more joints is reduced permanently. Joints that can move beyond the average range of motion, joint instability, and acute conditions, such as arthritis, are not considered eligible impairments – in line with Paralympic Guidelines.

[수동적 움직임 범위 장애(PROM)]

하나 이상의 관절의 움직임 범위의 영구적 장애.

급성기 상태(관절염 등)에 의한 움직임 제한이나, 정상인의 평균 운동 범위 내에서의 장애는 인정하지 않는다. - 패럴림픽 가이드라인 참고.


Hypertonia - Abnormal increase in muscle tension and a reduced ability of a muscle to stretch, which can result from injury, illness or a health condition such as cerebral palsy.


비정상적인 근육의 긴장 상태나 근육의 이완 능력의 감소,

뇌성마비(Cerebral palsy)나 부상, 질병 등의 건강이상이 원인이 되어야 함.


Limb deficiency -The total or partial absence of bones or joints from birth or as a consequence of trauma, (e.g. car accident or amputation) or illness, (e.g. bone cancer).Player eligibility is given for loss of limb being a minimum of through the ankle or wrist, but will be assessed on an individual basis if loss is less than this.

[사지 결손] - 출생시 또는 사고의 결과 뼈와 관절을 포함한 사지의 결손 상태.

선수의 자격은 기본적으로 발목이나 손목 등의 결손 상태에 의해 평가되지만, 실제 손상이 적은 경우(다트 플레이에 불편함이 없는 경우) 선수 개별적으로 각각 평가됩니다.


Ataxia -Lack of co-ordination of muscle movements due to a neurological condition such a as cerebral palsy, brain injury or multiple sclerosis.

[운동실조] -  뇌성마비(cerebral palsy), 뇌손상(brain injury), 다발성 경화증(multiple sclerosis)등에 의한 근육 운동 조절이 되지 않는 상태.

Leg length difference - Bone shortening from birth or trauma. Player eligibility given for length difference of a minimum of 7cm

[다리 길이 차이] - 선천적 혹은 후천적인 손상에 의하 다리 길이의 차이. 양측 하지가 최소 7cm 이상의 차이가 나야 한다.


Short stature - Reduced standing height due to abnormal dimensions of bones of upper and lower limbs or trunk, for example due to achondroplasia or growth hormone dysfunction. Player eligibility will be given if under 1.4m (4’ 6”) in height.

[저신장] 상지, 하지 또는 몸통의 비정상적 길이에 의한 기립 신장 감소. 연골무형성증 (achondroplasia), 성장 호르몬 기능장애 등이 원인. 신장이 1.4 m 이하일 때 선수 자격이 부여됩니다.

- 상기 기준은 개인의 판단이 아닌 전문 의료진의 소견서나 진단서가 필요합니다. (소견서 양식은 본 연맹 사이트의 자료실에서 다운로드 가능합니다) 




WDDA Ranked/Titled events will have two divisions that allow for competition and/or allocation of Ranking Points, these are as follows:


1. Combined ST (Standing) / W2 (loss of lower body mobility requiring wheelchair use) Division



(a) W1 Division (loss of lower and upper body mobility requiring wheelchair use)


Criteria for Combined ST/W2 Division:
To meet the criteria as a Standing player your level of impairment must meet:


- One of the previously detailed WDDA Ranked and Titled Event accepted impairments:

- Play in standing position.
- Impairment affecting the function of upper and / or lower limbs.

- May need to use medical equipment or walking aids at the throwing line.

(b) W2:                           

To meet the criteria as a W2 player your level of disability must meet the following criteria:

- Have one of the previously detailed WDDA Ranked and Titled Event accepted impairments.

- Have loss of lower mobility that necessitates the use of a wheelchair.

- Meet the criteria for “Standing” player but with an authorised need on occasion to use a wheelchair due to lower limb impairment.


When meeting either the “Standing or W2” criteria you must continue for the duration of an individual tournament within your selected (tournament registered) Division.


Criteria for the W1 Division:


To meet the criteria as a W1 player your level of disability must meet the following criteria:

- Have one of the previously detailed WDDA Ranked and Titled Event accepted impairments.

- Have mobility/movement impairment in both upper and lower body and require the use of a wheelchair.

Typically those who qualify for this Division will be living with Quadriplegia, Cerebral Palsy or impairment with similar challenges.


Ranking Points Compensation for the W1 Division: Where a ranked event has insufficient participant entries (a minimum of 8 players) in the W1 Division, players will be asked to play within the Combined Standing/W2 Division, but will be awarded supplementary Ranking Points accordingly.